
MADAME DIRECTOR, a feature-length, screenplay follows Alice Guy’s quest to find her lost films before she becomes entirely forgotten by the studio filmmaking industry. Written by Christina Kotlar, this original story and screenplay is inspired by historic fact and events that lead Alice Guy Blache to recount her role as the first woman filmmaker who determined her own place in cinema history.

CHRISTINA KOTLAR, is a writer and producer based in the New York/New Jersey metropolitan area. She is a member of New York Women in Film and Television (NYWiFT) and board member (Communications Chair) of Women in Film & Television International (WiFTI) and works in liaison with the Fort Lee Film Commission on film restoration projects and film series programming. Christina is also Festival Director of the Jersey Filmmakers of Tomorrow student film festival across Bergen County.

She graduated with an M.A. in Producing for Film and Video from American University, worked as Teaching Assistant and Production Manager for AU’s Summer Film Institute and has since written and produced short films, one recently awarded a Gold Remi at the 44th Annual Houston International Film Festival. Christina is founder of Film Festival reViews podcast and blog where she searches out conversations with filmmakers and industry professionals on current trends in independent filmmaking in and around the film festival circuit worldwide.

Along with promoting New Jersey film history, especially first woman filmmaker Alice Guy Blache, she has produced and moderated panel discussions and symposiums most recently Reel Jersey Girls: a Century of Women in Film from Alice Guy Blache to Today at the Garden State Film Festival in April 2011 and 2012 and presented a Historical Look at a Reel Jersey Girl, Alice Guy Blache at the Fort Lee Historical Society.

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